Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nephrology Boards

For any 2nd year renal fellows out there reading this: your first chance to take the ABIM Nephrology Boards is coming up this November 18, 2009. You can sign up by May 1st for the amazingly low-price of $1,905.00. This is the best deal in medicine. Yes, I am being sarcastic. At least it is only one day and on the computer now.
On the Nephrology Boards website, they list the relative percentage of questions from each category. You can see the breakdown in even more painstaking detail on their "Exam Blueprint", e.g., how many questions will address hyponatremia versus hypernatremia, etc. etc.

I'm going to try my best to include posts on this blog that conceivably might be tested on the Nephrology boards (as I am signed up to take them in November myself). Our fellowship program is also participating for the first time in the ASN's In-Training Exam, on April 22-23rd. As I understand it, this will offer fellows the ability for fellows to take a practice exam under similar conditions and also give our program an idea of what areas need improvement.


  1. enjoying the blog. keep it up!

    Matt Sparks

  2. Do you guys know of the best question bank out there for the boards?

  3. I am stunned an saddende to hear about Nathan's passing. This website was a vital component of my boards prep and kept the long hours of studying light. Rest in peace Nat.


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