Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Concept Map of Hyperkalemia


  1. You mean CONFUSING map of hyperkalemia:)

  2. A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. They are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. This particular map tries to link hypokalemia with its pathophysiology. I am sorry you find this confusing but I tried to cover all the potential etiologies of hypokalemia and their mechanism. As any other electrolyte disorders, things are not always as simple as you would like.

  3. If you have some starting knowledge, even if it's just that a whole load of channels in the Kidney regulate movement of K, then these maps aren't confusing at all. I think they are excellent.
    Thanks for doing them.

  4. Thanks Helbert for doing this. I agree with Tom, this are excellent.


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