Monday, July 1, 2013

The end of Fellowship

Dear Readers,

It's been an honor and a pleasure to have been a contributor and deputy editor here at RFN over the past few years.  I'm writing this on the final day of my fellowship as I get ready to move on to the next stage of my career and as part of this transition I'll be stepping down as deputy editor of RFN.

I remember discovering Nate's posts back when I was a resident and how refreshing it was to read things written from the perspective of a curious and learning trainee.   I've lost count of the number of times posts from the site have answered a real world clinical question, stimulated a conversation or  helped me answer a standardized exam question - of which I have answered far too many.  RFN has made and continues to make learning nephrology more fun.

I'm hopeful that medical students, interns, residents and fellows who are currently reading the site are as stimulated by it as I was.  If you like the site, think about writing for it!  It's been a highlight of my fellowship years and has introduced me to a whole group of great and entertaining people who have been an immense pleasure to work with.

Remember, spin the urine, when in doubt ask the patient, and always call nephrology early.

Graham Abra, MD
Nephrology Fellow


  1. Good luck in other steps in your career ..

  2. Thank you for helping save those who have kidney disease. Wish you all the best.

  3. Good luck Graham. Thanks for your hard work and leadership over the last few years on RFN. Hope to continue to see you on the blogosphere.

  4. Richard Perkins RNJuly 6, 2013 at 10:10 AM

    I am not a MD but I have learned so much from this site since I discovered it last year and that is largely due to your efforts. Thank you so much.

  5. Richard,

    My pleasure. Without RNs, I never would have made it out of the clinical third year of medical school - hope you carry on the teaching tradition.


  6. Speaking as a patient, I'd like to thank you for your work on RFN as you have taught me a lot. Good luck for the future. Please don't ever forget that kidney disease/renal failure is disastrous for your patients.


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