An integrative physiologic approach to polyuria and hyponatremia.
An approach to the patient with severe hypokalaemia: the potassium quiz.
Uncovering the basis of a severe degree of acidemia in a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis.
The patient with a severe degree of metabolic acidosis: a deductive analysis.
Unusual causes of hypokalemia and paralysis.
Acute and fatal hyponatremia after resection of a craniopharyngioma: a preventable tragedy.
Recurrent uric acid stones.
An unusual cause for ketoacidosis.
Anorexia nervosa and chronic renal insufficiency: a prescription for disaster.
Osmotic demyelination syndrome: a potentially avoidable disaster.
Severe hypokalaemia in a Chinese male.
Acute hyponatraemia and 'ecstasy': insights from a quantitative and integrative analysis.
Hyponatraemia and hyperglycaemia during laproscopic surgery.
Severe degree of hyperglycaemia: insights from integrative physiology.
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