To be brief, they the study had two major findings. First (the "nature" component), a recipient was more than twice as likely to develop delayed graft function when the recipient of the contralateral kidney also developed delayed graft finding. Not surprising--if one kidney sucks, the other one is likely to suck. Second (the "nurture" component), for pairs transplanted within the same center, there was an additional 42% risk for delayed graft function compared to pairs transplanted at different centers. That is, certain transplant centers are associated with a greater chance of delayed graft function than others. On this latter point, it's important to point out that some transplant centers tend to take higher-risk patients (e.g., desensitization protocols, ABO mismatches, 3rd- or 4th- transplants, high PRAs, etc) than others, so it may not be totally fair to use such center-specific data as "rankings" of transplant care quality.
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